Sunday, June 10, 2012

Happy 5 Months!

You are smiling and laughing daily
You are rolling over (from your back to your tummy)- I even found you on your stomach one morning in your bed.
You are holding your head up
You are pushing up when laying on your tummy
You love for me to read to you and love looking at the pictures in the books
You are reaching for objects
You have started noticing EC a lot more and reaching for her and smiling at her. 

Evie Claire:
You are laughing a lot more 
You are very ticklish underneath your chin
You are holding your head up
You are pushing up when laying on your tummy
You are starting to roll over (from your back to your tummy)
You are reaching for objects
You have found your voice and squeal very loudly

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe they are 5 months old! They are the SWEETEST twins ever!!! Love all 5 of you!! :)
